
Pinnacle Albums

March Academic Year 2019-20

Golden and silver day
Payjama party grade
KS-2 seeing in microspe
Rocking pyjama party 2019 with dots and stripes
Farewell to batch
Karate Culmination Grade-2
Karate Culmination Grade-3
Basket culmination Grade 1A
Holi Celebration....Pre-primary Section!
Basketball Culmination.......Grade 1
trip to Police station, Post Office and Fire Brigade
Learning about history, Overnight trip to Aurangabad, Grade 4-6!
Learning about marine lifefield trip to Utekar Fisheries Head start A & B!
Few more precious memories of Grandparents Day
Karate Culmination-Grade 1A & B!
Picnic to Fun shaala...Grade Reception and Foundation!
Grandparents Day Celebration...Batch 3 -Grade 1 B & 2
Grand Grandparents Day- Batch 2 -HS B, Reception Aft and Foundation!
Grandparents Day Batch 1-PG, HS A, Reception and 1A
Robotics Culmination......Secondary
Playgroup and Head start picnic to Bacchha
Picnic to 'Rush' - Grade 1A!
Picnic to 'Rush'- Grade 1B!..
Picnic to 'Rush'- Grade 2 & Grade 3
Summer Camp 2018-19